Hacker's Rest

Hack The Box - Late Writeup

Hack The Box - Late Writeup image

HTB - Late - Overview This supposedly ‘Easy’ difficulty Linux machine Late from was both simple to figure out, and incredibly challenging to pull off. Patie...

How to use GitHub Pages to host a blog with Jekyll Chirpy theme

How to use GitHub Pages to host a blog with Jekyll Chirpy theme image

I meant to publish these instructions for myself when I first moved over to jekyll and Github Pages for hosting for posterity, but now I have to rebuild my development VM…and I have forgotten how t...

Hack The Box - Acute Writeup

Hack The Box - Acute Writeup image

HTB - Acute - Overview This Hard-difficulty Windows machine from was quite a challenge! It required some very specific enumeration to be done, otherwise key...

Hack The Box - Catch Writeup

Hack The Box - Catch Writeup image

HTB - Catch - Overview This medium-difficulty machine by MrR3boot from was a very interesting challenge. It was made much harder than it should have been by...

Hack The Box - Attended Writeup

Hack The Box - Attended Writeup image

HTB - Attended Overview Short description to include any strange things to be dealt with Useful Skills and Tools Useful thing 1 description with generic example Useful thing 2 https://net2...

How to Zip and Unzip Files Using PowerShell

How to Zip and Unzip Files Using PowerShell image

Recently, while working on the Hack the Box machine Sharp I encountered a situation where I needed to exfiltrate a whole directory full of files and sub-folders back to my machine. Rather than try...

Using GitHub Issues for Blog Comments Using

Using GitHub Issues for Blog Comments Using image

Migrating my blog When I migrated my blog to GitHub Pages, one of the features I wanted to bring was the ability for readers to give feedback. This site is all about collaboration and learning, b...

Hack the Box - Sharp Writeup

Hack the Box - Sharp Writeup image

HTB - Sharp Overview This hard-difficulty Windows machine from Hack the Box was both challenging and fun. As the name suggests, it focuses on a few user-made code projects that use the C Sharp...

Upgrade a Windows reverse shell to a fully usable shell

Upgrade a Windows reverse shell to a fully usable shell image

Upgrading remote shells (Windows machines) In a previous article I wrote about upgrading limited Linux shells to a fully usable TTY shell. Usually, after catching a reverse shell from a Windows...

Upgrade a linux reverse shell to a fully usable TTY shell

Upgrade a linux reverse shell to a fully usable TTY shell image

Upgrading remote shells (Unix machines only) (For upgrading Windows shells click here) Usually, after catching a shell through netcat you are placed in a shell that has very limited functionali...